Registration Guidelines

  • Choosing a time slot. SuperBride Sunday is divided into two sessions. You can register for the 10am session, 1pm session or some brides choose to do both to ensure they have enough time to visit each vendor. However, everyone will be required to exit the showroom between 12:30pm-1pm, until the start of the next session. You’ll have up to 15 minutes after your session’s scheduled start time to enter the building; otherwise, you may not be permitted in. Event maps will be available at the event.
  • The only person(s) that need to register for SuperBride Sunday are the bride and/or groom. They may bring a maximum of 3 guests.
  • No outside food or drink permitted. 
  • No pets allowed. 

* by registering for this event, you agree to having your information distributed to attending SuperBride vendors. 


If you are experiencing fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, or diarrhea, please stay home. These have all been identified by the CDC as symptoms of COVID-19. Help us keep everyone safe during this event, so we can make your dream wedding one you’ll remember for the right reasons.