My fiancé and I have been together a total of three and a half years. We are getting married on

10.10.15. My engagement proposal gives me goose bumps to this day. The only time he took off of work

in over a year was to be able to take me on my first plane ride to Florida and take me to Disney World. I

had only been there one time before and I am a HUGE Disney fan. He asked my whole family (Mom,

Dad, Brother, and Sister) for permission and brought the ring with him the night before we left for our

trip. From my understanding my Dad and Derrick (my fiancé) both cried when there were talking about

our future!! Those two men are tough, and rarely cry! When we got to Disney World, the 3 o’clock

parade was about to start, hundreds of people lining the streets. He took me to get some ice cream and

told me he wanted to get our picture taken in front on Cinderella’s castle. I told him to hurry up so we

wouldn’t lose our spot and the parade was about to start anyway. He waved me over to take a quick

picture. There are only a few people in the middle of the streets, mainly workers taking pictures and of

course us. I stood there with a smile on my face and the lady who took our picture counted down 3… 2…

Derrick kept moving around me and I was so confused why he wouldn’t be still. …1, He pulled out the

ring box and got down on one knee in front of hundreds possibly thousands of people and proposed to

me with Cinderella’s castle in the background. Not only was he able to get a picture of this but he also

got it on video. I cried off and on for the next two days!! It was beyond the perfect proposal and I am so

very thankful for this man who went out of his way to make this day all for me. I have been through so

much and he has been nothing but kind and loving to me. He deserves this just as I do. Good luck to

whoever has the best proposal!!!